ALVUM is a smart IBD warning patch to warn users
prior to an upcoming exacerbation of IBD conditions

The built-in battery lasts over a month, which allows it to protect you from uncertainty for a long period of time
A warning of a flare-up
comes well in advance
before any initial symptoms.
Compact size and a soft lining allow the device to be placed on the arm in a secure and comfortable fashion.
To recharge the device you only need to replace the cartridge and close the container.
A comfortable and miniature container with secure attachment lets you conceal it easily under clothing.
The device alerts you not only by sound but with a blinking LED and a mild vibration as well.
Allows you to fully participate in everyday activities without the fear of uncertainty.

is Alvum?
Our device will protect you from uncertainty any time of day or night, giving you a timely warning of upcoming symptoms. You are protected 24/7.
Thanks to leading medical developments we came up with a device that gives people suffering from IBD a sufficient and timely warning before an upcoming flare-up. Alvum works by tracking…

Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or IBD, is characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. If prolonged, this inflammation results in damage to the GI tract. It is a chronic condition that impacts many facets of the lives of those afflicted. People suffering from IBD often miss work or school and report feeling like they miss out on a large part of life due to having to plan around their condition.

How long does each cartridge last?The cartridge must be replaced after each episode and they are very easy to replace manually.
How loud is the alarm on this device?The sound notification is not very loud, it is only meant to be heard by the person wearing the device. It is loud enough for the user to hear it, while in a loud public setting, but quiet enough that others do not perceive it.
Do I have to replace the Battery frequently?No, they are very effective when it comes to power preservation and will last multiple years without the need for a replacement.
Should I take off the device before going to sleep?No, Alvum does not cause discomfort while you sleep, and it will continue to function while you rest.
Is Alvum waterproof?Yes, the technology of this product is inside a sleek container that does not let any water through.
How much warning time will I have before an episode starts?Typically, signs of an IBD exacerbation can be detected 2-6 hours prior to the episode, but every body has different mechanics of dealing with IBD, so the exact time specifically for each individual cannot be determined and may vary in-between episodes.
How accurate is Alvum at predicting IBD?The device measures specific signs of an IBD exacerbation in your sweat, which makes it fool proof, because once those are detected it is almost certain that an episode will occur. However, Alvum cannot predict the expected severity of an upcoming episode.
How can I make sure that I always have enough spare cartridges?Sign up for our monthly cartridge subscription and we will send you cartridges monthly. You get a discount, when compared to buying replacements individually, and peace of mind.