Alvum isolates and measures the presence of biomarkers that indicate an IBD relapse and warns the user of an impending symptom flare-up, allowing them to react accordingly. There are two types of Alvum cartridges offered: one for patients with Crohn’s disease and one for those with ulcerative colitis.
Eccrine sweat is sweat that humans produce passively when the sympathetic nervous system stimulates eccrine sweat glands to maintain a constant body temperature. Passive eccrine sweat production happens naturally throughout the day, without the need for extra stimulation.
Alvum’s sensor cartridge collects eccrine sweat onto a chemical strip that has electrodes. The chemical strip contains antibodies that bind to biomarkers in eccrine sweat, thus changing the conductivity of the chemical strip. When the biomarkers bind to the antibodies on the chemical sensor strip, the electrodes detect the change in conductivity and trigger the warning alarm.
The biomarkers that have been shown to indicate an IBD episode are interleukin-1α (IL-1α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β)6. A marked increase in IL-1α represents a Crohn’s disease relapse, while a marked increase in IL-1β represents an ulcerative colitis relapse.
​Measurement process
IBD is a general term that encompasses two conditions: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Alvum cartridges are able to detect exacerbations of both of these diseases.
IL1α is detected by binding to Rabbit Polyclonal Antibodies and is used to monitor Crohn's disease, while IL1β is detected by binding to Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies and is used to monitor ulcerative colitis.
Alvum’s sensor cartridge collects eccrine sweat onto a chemical strip that has electrodes. The chemical strip contains antibodies that bind to biomarkers in eccrine sweat, thus changing the conductivity of the chemical strip. When the biomarkers bind to the antibodies on the chemical sensor strip, the electrodes detect the change in conductivity and trigger the warning alarm.

The device (1) is attached to the human body (10) with silicone stickers (9). The absorbent part of the cartridge (3) is attached to the body. A battery (2) supplies electricity to the cartridge’s contacts, and a high-precision ammeter (4) measures the change in resistance. The chemicals in the cartridge react to interleukin. The central processor (5) makes a decision and emits sound (7), light (8), and vibration (6) signals when an attack is approaching.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or IBD, is characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
If prolonged, this inflammation results in damage to the GI tract.
IBD is a general term that encompasses two conditions: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
IBD’s have a natural course characterized by alternating periods of remission and relapse.
The exact causes are unknown, but IBD results from an insufficient immune system.
In IBD, the immune system responds inappropriately to environmental triggers, causing inflammation of the GI tract.
Triggers vary between individuals and environments, and the unpredictability makes life very difficult for those living with IBD.

A functional disease, often with a psychological cause
Will not show up on medical tests
Unknown cause
An umbrella term for a group of inflammatory conditions
Physical damage causes symptoms
pain and discomfort
of inflammatory origin
Chronic condition
Irregular bowel movements
Often diagnosed in young people
IL1α is detected by binding to Rabbit Polyclonal Antibodies, while IL1β is detected by binding to Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies.
These antibodies are a part of the chemical reagent on the sensor cartridges. When the antibodies present on the sensor react to the targeted biomarker in the collected eccrine sweat, the conductivity of the chemical strip is altered and the alarm is triggered (see Reference Values Table 1 and Table 2, below, for measures of antibodies in the sensor strips).

Reference Values Table 1
Reference Values Table 2
Alvum cartridges can last for over a month with no need to change them. This means you are safe from uncertainty for weeks, any time of day or night.
This device will make you feel safe and comfortable. Knowing that your days won’t have any unexpected turns will allow you to plan and enjoy your life.
Wear – Sensor is placed on the arm using the adhesive pad.
Live – Eccrine sweat is collected by the device over the course of the day.
Collect – Interleukin binds to the Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies in the sensor strip.
Measure – Conductivity of the sensor strip changes when interleukin concentrations increase. Increased interleukin levels in eccrine sweat typically lead to an IBD episode.
Analyze – The sensor software analyzes interleukin levels.
Alert – The wearer will be alerted of an upcoming IBD episode.

For a complex device, Alvum has very few components:
The click-on cover;
The clips with a reset button;
A vibrating component;
A light-emitting diode (LED);
Cartridge container;
An adhesive silicone pad.